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School Ethos
Inwoods is a small school that seeks to provide an environment that nurtures sensitivity to each other and to nature, and encourages inquiring and attentive minds. Although academic learning is important for us, holistic education means far more than the mere acquisition of knowledge. Learning is viewed as being a joyful and serious process whereby both teacher and child discover together. We attempt to nurture each child’s individuality and creativity, encourage questioning, and keep alive their enthusiasm for academics as well as non-academic activities.
We want children to excel out of a true love for the subject, without fear or pressure.
We want children to excel out of a true love for the subject, without fear or pressure. Time is provided for many activities that are not normally included in schools. We value activities that are hands-on and those that bring about closeness with nature. Comparison is discouraged and children’s exposure to competition and standardised tests are kept at a minimum. When conflicts arise, our intention is to discuss them openly and sensitively together, without resorting to a system of reward and punishment. Stillness and the ability to listen and remain quiet are emphasised as much as open communication. Rules and guidelines are put in place to create an orderly structure, and issues that arise are addressed with the children. We try to help the child act in an orderly manner that is sensitive to the needs of others. Our aim is to create a space where a child can flower and his or her intelligence can be awakened.
School History
Inwoods Small School first started its educational journey in the autumn of 1996. The Space for Children – what is now called the Small Barn – was opened with a special barbecue supper, a bonfire and celebration to mark the occasion. Originally intended as a meeting place and resource centre for Brockwood children and their families, the Space for Children quickly attracted local interest and soon the numbers grew.
At first, all of the children were pre-school age and there was no intention to provide full-time care or schooling. Each year it was unclear whether Inwoods would be able to grow with the children. It was only the continuing commitment and support of certain families, friends, and the Krishnamurti Foundation Trust that enabled the Big Barn to be completely renovated, the straw-bale building to be built and the necessary staff to be employed.
Over 25 years later the school has continued to grow and now Inwoods offers a full-time schooling environment for children of primary age.

School History
Inwoods Small School first started its educational journey in the autumn of 1996. The Space for Children – what is now called the Small Barn – was opened with a special barbecue supper, a bonfire and celebration to mark the occasion. Originally intended as a meeting place and resource centre for Brockwood children and their families, the Space for Children quickly attracted local interest and soon the numbers grew.
At first, all of the children were pre-school age and there was no intention to provide full-time care or schooling. Each year it was unclear whether Inwoods would be able to grow with the children. It was only the continuing commitment and support of certain families, friends, and the Krishnamurti Foundation Trust that enabled the Big Barn to be completely renovated, the straw-bale building to be built and the necessary staff to be employed.
Over 25 years later the school has continued to grow and now Inwoods offers a full-time schooling environment for children of primary age.
Our Staff
Inwoods Small School is a project of Brockwood Park School and shares the same DfE registration number. Kate Power is responsible for attending to the matters related to Inwoods and is also a member of and responsible to the School Management Committee. The school is governed by the Trustees of Krishnamurti Foundation Trust. You can see the details about the committee, Trustees and the charity’s details by following this link.
Kate Power
Kate Power has been the School Coordinator at Inwoods Small School for over three years and has been a residential staff member at Brockwood Park School for the last five years. Kate teaches history at Brockwood Park School. She also supports students with specific educational needs across both schools. Before she came to Brockwood, she taught for seven years in the British state system and also spent two years at an international British school in Myanmar. Kate has a BA in History and Sociology. She qualified as a teacher at Exeter University and then went on to complete her MA in History at Bristol University.
Melanie Bacon
Mel is a Qualified Primary School Teacher and Forest School Leader. She has worked in the state and private systems and has had experience in a wide range of education settings over the last 15 years. In these schools, she adapted her teaching to meet differing needs and learning styles, accommodating children with SEN (specific educational needs) and EAL (English as an additional language). She is a strong believer in educating holistically: helping to instil an awareness of the wider world and a sense of belonging to it. Mel feels that teaching should be focussed on child-led learning and providing children with meaningful, real-life learning opportunities.
Lauren White
Lauren is a Qualified Primary School Teacher and Forest School Leader and has been teaching for 8 years. She has worked in traditional, as well as Montessori and Reggio Emilia inspired schools, across West Sussex. Lauren has a PGCE specialising in Early Years education and has extensive experience teaching mixed classes of Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Lauren specialises in offering engaging and creative learning opportunities through stimulating, purposeful and bespoke ways. Lauren is passionate about outdoor learning, drawing inspiration from the natural world and embedding it within the learning.
Lauren is currently on maternity leave and will be returning in the summer of 2025
Patrick Boussot
Patrick is a qualified teacher with many years experience of working in education, both in the UK and internationally. He taught in Egypt, where he had the opportunity to work in several international schools following the French, Canadian, and American curriculums across all age groups. He completed his primary teacher training at the University of Southampton. Patrick firmly believes in child-led learning and its profound impact on the child’s holistic development.
Claire Souter
Claire holds a Level 3 in Early years care and education. She has spent over 20 years working with children from 3 months to 15 years in various roles within nurseries, schools and as a foster carer. Claire has worked extensively within the EYFS and believes strongly in a child led holistic approach to learning. She has assisted with forest school, has led play based yoga and has a love of outdoor, nature based learning.
Krishnamurti’s Teaching
Krishnamurti (1895-1986) had a passion for inquiry and the pursuit of truth. His numerous books explore the nature of human consciousness and the possibility of its transformation through inquiry and insight. Krishnamurti engaged in dialogue with many modern thinkers, commentators, politicians and scientists, including Aldous Huxley, Iris Murdoch, Ivan Illich, Bernard Levin, Indira Gandhi, and David Bohm. He maintained that if young people learn to see how they are conditioned by race, nationality, religion, tradition and beliefs, they will discover for themselves how to be fully intelligent human beings.
Concerning the education in his schools, Krishnamurti said, ‘We are learning together. That is real cooperation, that is real community. That demands natural affection, care, attention.’
Inwoods Small School is one of four projects of Krishnamurti Foundation Trust (KFT), the legal entity responsible for the school. The other projects are Brockwood Park School, the Foundation, and The Krishnamurti Centre.

Krishnamurti’s Teaching
Krishnamurti (1895-1986) had a passion for inquiry and the pursuit of truth. His numerous books explore the nature of human consciousness and the possibility of its transformation through inquiry and insight. Krishnamurti engaged in dialogue with many modern thinkers, commentators, politicians and scientists, including Aldous Huxley, Iris Murdoch, Ivan Illich, Bernard Levin, Indira Gandhi, and David Bohm. He maintained that if young people learn to see how they are conditioned by race, nationality, religion, tradition and beliefs, they will discover for themselves how to be fully intelligent human beings.
Concerning the education in his schools, Krishnamurti said, ‘We are learning together. That is real cooperation, that is real community. That demands natural affection, care, attention.’
Inwoods Small School is one of four projects of Krishnamurti Foundation Trust (KFT), the legal entity responsible for the school. The other projects are Brockwood Park School, the Foundation, and The Krishnamurti Centre.
Approach of the Curriculum
At Inwoods, the children are grouped according to both their age and developmental need, to ensure all children receive the appropriate level of both support and challenge. For some lessons, groups of children will be given separate activities according to need, whilst in others the children will be together and the activities themselves will be differentiated. We also have regular sessions with the whole school in order to build a strong sense of the school community.
The small class sizes allow for an informal, intimate and friendly atmosphere.
The small class sizes allow for an informal, intimate and friendly atmosphere in the classroom which fosters close personal relationships between each teacher and child, and between the children themselves. To facilitate this, class group sizes don’t exceed 15, although there are also opportunities for larger group activities including singing, sport, drama, nature walks, etc.
Our aim is to encourage a spirit of inquiry and enthusiasm for learning, by helping the children to develop their academic competence within the whole context of their social, emotional and physical development. Learning is seen as a continuous, natural process, taking place in a friendly, almost family-like atmosphere. We use the British National Curriculum as a framework from which our planning arises, whilst listening attentively to the individual needs and interests of the child. In doing so, we allow the space for children to grow in their learning at a pace appropriate to them, carried along with their natural curiosity in life. Simultaneously, we consciously offer and encourage challenge, stimulation, inspiration and questioning in a safe and supportive learning environment.
The school encourages the art of inquiry, self-understanding and relationship in a non-competitive and holistic learning environment.
The connection to the natural world is very important at Inwoods. In addition to our dedicated weekly Nature Day, we spend time outdoors daily for both free play and outdoor lessons. The learning space is not restricted to the classroom, but to all of our outdoor spaces and further, into the surrounding woods and fields. We find that this deeper connection to nature inspires both curiosity and wonder whilst also deepening the relationship to ourselves and our true nature.
Stillness and the ability to listen and remain quiet are emphasised as much as open communication. Inwoods Small School is a place where one can learn a way of living that is whole, sane, and intelligent. Consistent with the views of J. Krishnamurti, the school encourages the art of inquiry, self-understanding and relationship in a non-competitive and holistic learning environment.

A Typical Day/Timetable
At Inwoods, the timetable is carefully structured to ensure that a holistic and balanced education is offered to the children, whilst also ensuring that the key skills in the relevant subjects are covered.
For this academic year the school is divided into two classes. Patrick is supporting children in Reception to Year 2 in one class and Mel is supporting children in Year 3 to Year 5. Currently we do not have any Year 6 children. Both teachers will also have additional support from our teaching assistant Claire to help differentiate across the different year groups.

Term Dates
Use the button below to view our Term Dates.

General Health – Vegetarian Diet
Inwoods Small School is a vegetarian school. Out of a feeling of affection and respect for the welfare of animals, the school does not allow the consumption of meat, including fish and fowl. We ask you not to bring or eat such foods on campus or on any school outing; however, the school does not promote this policy as an ideology.
On a daily basis the school provides a shared snack of rice/corn/oat cakes, nuts, fruit and other low sugar and salt options for which there will be a small charge. The school has its own vegetable garden and so sometimes the snacks come from there, such as strawberries and raspberries! We cater to many dietary needs, but if those aren’t sufficient, please discuss this with staff. For lunches we ask that a packed lunch is provided by you five days a week.
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Inwoods News
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The Krishnamurti Foundation Trust Ltd is an educational charitable trust located in Brockwood Park, Hampshire, UK. It consists of the Krishnamurti Centre, the Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, Brockwood Park School and Inwoods Small School.
Inwoods Small School
Bramdean, Alresford
Hampshire SO24 0LQ
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)1962 771065
Company Registration No. 1055588
Registered Charity No. 312865
© Krishnamurti Foundation Trust Ltd
Brockwood park